Project name: RELATE – leaRning Elswhere, LeArning oTherwisE – Architecture and Urban Planning – An outside curriculum. Building neighbourhood curriculum through a gaming approach. Relate project connects fields of architecture, Urban design, pedagogy and psychology through research of methodology behind shaping Urban environment with potential of becoming outside curricula places for multi-generation learning and development. Relate aims at constituting a new field of scientific reaseach – spatial pedagogy – both through theoretical and case study analisys.
As a reaction to UNESCO’s acclamation of the global education crisis, many countries worldwide initiated building new education facilities. Nevertheless, PISA 2018. testing results have shown that new infrastructure brought no significant improvement of learning outcomes. RELATE project team proposes innovative ways of using existing resources through ‘learning elsewhere, learning otherwise’ approach. Such places, recognized/referenced in scientific terminology/literature as ‘outside curricula sites’ already exist in urban environments worldwide:
learning streets, knowledge plazas, public art and interactive installations, urban gardens – all having pedagogical potential as places for learning outside educational institutions. However, there is a challenging gap between architects and urban designers who rarely integrate science of learning into design process, and pedagogues who rarely use urban space as classroom.
RELATE project outputs will analyze outside curricula sites both internationally and locally.